Our Lucky 7 BOM is a always a bargain! Pay $7 for your first block and get the next 11 for free when you come every month for our Saturday Sampler! On the first Saturday of each month, we meet from 10 AM to 11 AM. We have a doorprize, show and tell, refreshments and Lucky 7 - and something special is always on sale!You receive one ticket for the Saturday Sampler door prize drawing just for being present. And you receive an additional ticket for each show and tell you bring. It's FUN! Plan on joining us.
Our 2020 quilt is Hawaiian Applique!
This year, our blocks will be Hawaiian Appliqué and YOU will be creating your own color way each month! We'll give you two batik fat quarters each month (1 background and 1 applique fabric) and YOU get to CHOOSE which fabrics you want out of ALL the Batiks in the shop!
Please sign up for Lucky 7 BOM 2020 prior to Jan. 3rd.
This year we will ask you to complete a Registration form so we can hold fabric for you if necessary. Registration Forms are available in the shop or you can print a Registration form HERE and bring in your completed form and $7 fee.
Here's How it Will Work...
- At the January 4, 2020 Sat. Sampler meeting, pay $7 for your first Lucky 7 BOM block and you'll receive a Hawaiian appliqué pattern and two batik fat quarters (1 background and 1 applique fabric).
- We'll provide your first background and applique batiks. After that, you may choose between our light background, our dark background or a combination of 6 light/6 dark for your quilt. Your registration form will let us know if we need to reserve 12 fat quarters if you choose consistent background colors.
- After month 1, we will have your background fat quarter ready for you when you check in and you may pick your applique fat quarter from any batik in the shop!
- The appliqué may be done by any method you choose: edges turned under and sewn by hand, fused and sewn on the raw edge, fused and zig-zagged, or fused and blanket stitched by machine. ANYTHING GOES!
- There will NOT be a finishing kit this year. Borders are optional and finishing methods are entirely up to you! We can't wait to see what you make! (We recommend you cut your blocks at 15 1/2". Your quilt will finish at 45" x 60" without borders and sashing and you will need 3 yards of backing fabric.)
You are not required to use our fat quarters if you have something at home that you would rather use. You can just pick up the free pattern each month and show us your completed block! It will still be $7 if you miss Saturday Sampler or fail to bring in your completed block from the previous month.
As always, as long as your block comes in on the first Saturday of each month, your next two Batik Fat Quarters and pattern will be FREE! If for any reason you are unable to bring in your block, you will be charged $7 for the next month’s pattern and fat quarter set.
We will post a video on the Lucky 7 page of our website very soon, describing how to transfer the designs to fabric and offering tips to make this a fun and different LUCKY 7 BOM!
So to sum it up, on the first Saturday of each month, we meet for Saturday Sampler from 10 AM to 11 AM. We have a door prize, show and tell, refreshments and Lucky 7 - and something special is always on sale! You receive one ticket for the Saturday Sampler door prize drawing just for being present. And you receive an additional ticket for each show and tell you bring. And this year, you'll be in charge of the look and feel of your Hawaiian Lucky 7 quilt!
As always, as long as your block comes in on the first Saturday of each month, your next two Batik Fat Quarters and pattern will be FREE! If for any reason you are unable to bring in your block, you will be charged $7 for the next month’s pattern and fat quarter set.
We will post a video on the Lucky 7 page of our website very soon, describing how to transfer the designs to fabric and offering tips to make this a fun and different LUCKY 7 BOM!
So to sum it up, on the first Saturday of each month, we meet for Saturday Sampler from 10 AM to 11 AM. We have a door prize, show and tell, refreshments and Lucky 7 - and something special is always on sale! You receive one ticket for the Saturday Sampler door prize drawing just for being present. And you receive an additional ticket for each show and tell you bring. And this year, you'll be in charge of the look and feel of your Hawaiian Lucky 7 quilt!
View Our Hawaiian Applique TUTORIAL on YouTube!
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