Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Fixing the problem
This is what I worked on yesterday. The blocks were seen together, 1/4" was folded in on all the raw edges and basted in place. Then the row was basted to the quilt to cover the incorrectly placed blocks. I needed to know their perimeter so that I would know where to stop and start stitching to replicate the quilting. I used pins on the back of the quilt outline the area. Then I slowly stitched over the existing quilting lines (locking stitches at every stop and start). The quilting on the front looks a little wobbly, but it's better than the whole bottom row being out of order. Tedious, but I just couldn't stand not fixing such an obvious mistake
Fixed, it is!
Tedious work. The blocks were seen together, 1/4" was folded in on all the raw edges and hand appliquéd in place.
I would be flipping the quilt over and sewing over the existing quilting design, so I used pins on the back of the quilt to outline the area that had to be re-quilted.Then I stitched carefully and slowly over the quilting lines, locking the stitches with every stop and start. Mission accomplished! The quilting looks a little wobbly on the front, but the embarrassment of incorrectly placed blocks has been disguised. Did I mention how much I hate making such an obvious mistake?
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Fixing the problem
Row #1 - wrong, wrong, wrong!
Row #2 - new blocks ready to be sewn
together and be appliquéd on
top of the old ones
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Big Ol' OOPS!
During the last couple of weeks we have been feverishly working to fix a mistake. During the construction of our next Lucky 7 quilt, Beth switched sewing machines and the slight difference in seam allowances caused the log cabin blocks in the center and borders to be a little too big. We removed and disassembled the log cabin blocks. Beth sewed steadily to get the blocks back together before she left town to spend Thanksgiving with her family. Enter Linda, who really wanted to get this quilt ready ASP. Unfortunately, as she re-stitched those now perfect log cabin blocks into the borders with perfect seam allowances, she sewed a couple of blocks into the wrong position. OOPS! Right? Well, double OOPS. She didn't notice as she quilted and bound the quilt!!!!!
Now that's really humiliating!!!! So what will Linda do now?
Just you watch! Over the holidays
She will make some more perfect log cabin blocks. She will unsew a section of binding and appliqué those blocks over the "mistake ". She will replicate the quilting and restitch the binding. She will blog with pictures as she literally hides her mistake .....she will show you how to save a smidge of dignity after public humiliation, and maybe how you can fix your own someday OOPS .
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Lovely surprise at Quilt Market
As usual, quilt market was a stitcher's feast. We gathered masses of handouts promoting everyone's new products, gobbled up fabric bundles at sample spree, rubbed shoulders with the famous designers who's work we see in all the magazines... and tried to guess what ya'll want to find in SBQ next year.
To top it off, we're now stocking our Caesar's Crown template set in the shop and it's available on our website. Watch our YouTube video to see how easy the templates work! We used the quilt in Jen's fabrics for the cover shot for our packaging!
One of the best goodies for me was meeting Australian designer Jen Kingwell. I made a quilt with our Caesar's Crown template set and her Gardenvale fabric line this year and I named it "What Would Jen Kingwell Do?" Your Great Grandma might have made this pattern, but it didn't rock like this quilt!
Adee is not only good at herding cats (since she has the onerous job of navigating for her directionally challenged boss - I get lost everywhere!), she's also internet savvy. She posted a picture of my quilt on Instagram, and in far away Australia, Jen saw it, put it on HER OWN Instagram & shared it with Moda. When we went by her booth at Market she commented on the quilt in detail... Jen Kingwell remembered my quilt!!!!
![]() |
(With Jen Kingwell at Quilt Market. And yes, I was star struck!) |
To top it off, we're now stocking our Caesar's Crown template set in the shop and it's available on our website. Watch our YouTube video to see how easy the templates work! We used the quilt in Jen's fabrics for the cover shot for our packaging!
Caesar's Crown Template Set by Sunday Best Quiltworks |
Bonus: Our favorite find at Market was some amazing African fabric! We can't wait to get it in!
Monday, June 22, 2015
Christmas in June with Pat Wys
We had a wonderful Saturday Book Signing event with Pat and her husband Andy.
Although the photography in her book is excellent, it doesnn't do justice to the projects
she has created. Seeing her work in person was amazing.
She is currently working on yet another book, but she says that when that is done, she will
be doing embroidery tutorials on her blog to show beginners how to do those lovely stitches.
We definitely recommend that you begin to follow her blog. She has 10 month old twin
grandsons and a full teaching, traveling and writing schedule, so she says she doesn't blog
as often as she'd like, but you should definitely keep up with Pat!
She was gracious enough to sign 5 copies of her Xmas book to leave with us, so if you
could'nt make the event, you can still snag an autographed copy!
Embroidery is a wonderful project for traveling or doing as you watchTV.
Saturday, June 13, 2015
After a busy Saturday in the shop, It's finallly quiet. I'm taking this afternoon to play around
with un-traditional caesar's crown blocks.
I've been cutting for the last 15 minutes, or should I say hacking around the templates.
We burn through a lot of blades. We don''t really notice them dulling down.
Epiphany!! Why don't I put in a fresh blade? JOY !!!_ CARTWHEELS!!!_ECSTACY!!!
Go forth an do something wonderful for yourself......don't let dullness sneak up on you!
Put in a wonderfully sharp new blade and esperience the wonderment for yourself.
Monday, May 25, 2015
A fun new way to mess with your grand babies little minds!!!
I've found a GREAT new use for our frixon pens! Today. I sent them a letter
In invisible ink...with this poem attached
In REAL ink:
I'm sending a message
In Magical ink !
Right now you can't see it,
So let's give it a think!
If you were an Eskimo,
And your home was of ice...
Then you could read it,
Maybe once, maybe twice!
There's a picture to color,
But I know you can't tell,
Too bad...so sad...
It's really quite swell!
There's a clue in this letter,
This letter you hold,
You can't read it in summer,
You'll have to wait till it's cold!
Grandma loves you!
I tried writing on paper, ironing it to
Make it disappear and then putting
It in the freezer. Works great.
The ink comes right back.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Talked to Pat Wys again today!
Last night, I realized that I had made a horrible scheduling mistake. I had forgotten to put our
up-coming Gail Garber workshop on the calendar, and inadvertantly scheduled Pat to come the
next day.
BIG SNAFU!! That would make it impossible for many of our customers to be here for Pat's
book signing event and WE would be totally pooped!
She graciously agreed to move the Book Signing to Saturday June 20th. This also enables
her to accept an invitation for a book signing at Stitch N' Quilt in Mableton, Ga. on July l8th.
(She's wonderful!!)
By the way...I seem to have developed a talent for losing things within a very small area. I mean
things that are never seen again, even though I KNOW they can't be anywhere else. My daughter
has suggested that if she ever has a DEAD BODY to dispose of, she's bringing it to me. (She's
not homicidal, just a big fan of murder mysteries.) However, you never know.....with my recent
track record........
Hug Doodles,
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Talked to Pat Wys Today!
Today, Pat Wys called the shop to confirm that she will be here on Saturday, July 18th.
We are having a BOOK SIGNING PARTY, to celebrate the publication of Pat's 3rd book,
"Handmade Christmas Cheer".
This is a party....there is no fee to join us. Everyone LOVES Pat! She is a ton of fun. If you
haven't had the opportunity to meet her, just ask anyone who's ever taken one of her classes!
We will have copies of her new book available for purchase, if you don't have it already.
She will be bringing the actual projects that are featured in the new book, so you also don't
want to miss the opportunity to see them up close and personal!
She called our shop "One of Georgia's best kept secrects" when she was here last year.
We were tickled to bits that she also called us "An inspiration shop!"
We are sooo looking forward to seeing her again, and we are hoping for a lot of people to come
and help us make her feel truly welcome.
Hug Doodles,
Sunday, March 22, 2015
This is Teresa!
Well here goes (for the second time!) I was going to town and hit something that erased all of my blog! I'll try not to do that again! I miss seeing everyone and talking with you all. Linda tells me she gets asked almost daily how I'm doing. That is hard for her to answer so she asked me to start blogging for that and other reasons. I am CANCER FREE for now! I am still getting a treatment every other week. My doctor hasn't said how much longer that will go on. I am lucky in that the drug they are giving me isn't really a chemo drug although it is classified with them. So no bad side effects for me. I guess making me tired is the worst of it. I go this week to see the plastic surgeon and se what he wants to do. I would love to be fixed! I hope there is something he can do so I can eat again. Do you realize that it has been almost 2 years since I have bitten, chewed, and tasted real food? Well enough of that! I have been quilting and sewing just like before. That is what has kept me sane. Thank God for that. Well, that's all for tonight. Take care everyone. I love you all.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
My 2nd Blog!
It occured to me that the title of my 1st blog was a little bit bragadocious! (I'm so impressed with
me.) Most folks who know me well know that I'm something of a LUDITE. Not a big fan of
technology. I often feel that I've somehow been born in the wrong century.
Before we had so many ways to "be in touch without ever being face to face" life seemed more
peaceful and personal. I remember growing up in a small community where everyone knew
everyone else. Very few cars meant that people walked to get where they wanted to go (they'd
laugh their socks off to see us PAYING to go to the gym to exercise.!) With no air conditioning,
people sat on the porch to cool off...so they talked to the folks walking by.
Telephones had party-lines, so if you were nosy, you could listen in and REALLY get to know the
Now, even my children are so busy that they'd rather have a e-mail that they can see whenever it's
convenient, than a phone call that might interrupt what they are doing.
With all that being said, I had made my major life goal to get to my grave without learning to use
a computer. I HAVE FAILED!!!! It finally became apparant that the shop had to be able to join
the modern world. (I'd like to point out , however, that pencils still work when computers go down!)
Therefore, I only reluctantly joined the modern world in August 2014.
So....I've been computing all of 8 months....and suddenly I think total strangers might want to
know what I'm doing and thinking about. See the evil lure of technology?
Thursday, February 19, 2015
My very first blog ----I'm so impressed with ME!
Everyone who knows me well, knows that most of my days away from the shop are spent
working on something FOR the shop.
This past Sunday, I gave myself a "play-day". Ever since Teresa and I envisioned the HST
stencil, we've looked for ways to simplify traditional blocks using squares and HST's.
Here, I'm playing with the Stars and Cubes Block. First published in the early 20th century in
The Household Management Journal of Batavia, IL.
This block requires 32 HST units. (Exactly what our l", l-l/2", 2", and 2-1/2" stencils yield.)
I chose the 2" finished HST stencil, crisp whit and Cotton & Steel's pink Mochi fabric.
Then I cut one white and one pink 12-1/2" square, and marked the white one with the entire
After that, I cut (8) pink 2-1/2" squares, (12) white 2-1/2" squares and (4) 6-1/2" squares.
I first sewed all 19 of the flying goose units. After setting the seams, I sprayed with Flatter
as I pressed the blocks. (It lives up to it's name and helps to relax the fabric and make the
seam lie flatter.)
Then I made 6 pairs of pink squares.
I laid out the pieces as they will be sewn and made the 8-1/2" units when sewn together.
Then it's just a matter of joining the units to complete the block.
Since, I've cut lots of HOUSE Templates for the Good Neighbors quilt....I ran through parts and
pieces of houses as leaders and enders.
After sewing this block with squares and HST's, I would write future directions using (4) 2-1/2 x
4-1/2" rectangles and (1) 4-1/2" square to eliminate extra seams.
Here's my finished block.
I also included a shot of my design wall, sewing station and ironing boar snuggled right beside
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
A Bit About Sunday Best...
My name is Linda Camp and I've been a professional quilter for over 40 years, sewing and
quilting since early childhood. In 2009, I opened Sunday Best
Quiltworks with my best friend and business partner Teresa Singleton. We've been having a blast ever since!
At Sunday Best Quiltworks, we are quilters getting to do what we love every day. We hope to inspire, encourage, educate and enjoy our friends, old & new, in a warm & welcoming quilter-friendly environment. We're delighted to have you join us!
We design our own line of custom patterns, stencils and templates. We strive to stock the best modern fabrics and products from current designers and we keep a great selection of traditional favorites, blenders, batiks, civil war prints and more.
In 2013 we were honored to be chosen as a Better Homes and Gardens Fall/Winter Quilt Sampler magazine Top Ten quilt shop.
In 2014 Quilter's Newsletter magazine
featured our Carpenter's Wheel mini as their
Easy Lesson in the
Aug/Sept issue. We've also been featured in Irish Quilting magazine, Columbus and the Valley magazine,
and Her magazine.
We are very honored to have been recognized in 2014 with a Community Service Award presented by The Courier Eco Latino "For distinguished service to the African-American, Hispanic, and other minority communities" for our charity quilts given throughout the community.
We participate annually in the Middle Georgia Shop Hop and we just enjoyed our first summer with the Georgia Row by Row Experience.
I've decided to start this blog to share my love of sewing and quilting
with you. I'll post projects, ideas and tips as they come to me - and as I find time, since things do get pretty busy around here!
Welcome... I hope you'll enjoy this journey with me.
-Linda Camp
At Sunday Best Quiltworks, we are quilters getting to do what we love every day. We hope to inspire, encourage, educate and enjoy our friends, old & new, in a warm & welcoming quilter-friendly environment. We're delighted to have you join us!
We design our own line of custom patterns, stencils and templates. We strive to stock the best modern fabrics and products from current designers and we keep a great selection of traditional favorites, blenders, batiks, civil war prints and more.
In 2013 we were honored to be chosen as a Better Homes and Gardens Fall/Winter Quilt Sampler magazine Top Ten quilt shop.
We are very honored to have been recognized in 2014 with a Community Service Award presented by The Courier Eco Latino "For distinguished service to the African-American, Hispanic, and other minority communities" for our charity quilts given throughout the community.
We participate annually in the Middle Georgia Shop Hop and we just enjoyed our first summer with the Georgia Row by Row Experience.
Welcome... I hope you'll enjoy this journey with me.
-Linda Camp
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