Monday, June 22, 2015

Christmas in June with Pat Wys

We had a wonderful Saturday Book Signing event with Pat and her husband Andy.

Although the photography in her book is excellent, it doesnn't do justice to the projects
she has created.  Seeing her work in person was amazing.

She is currently working on yet another book, but she says that when that is done, she will
be doing embroidery tutorials on her blog to show beginners how to do those lovely stitches.
We definitely recommend that you begin to follow her blog.  She has 10 month old twin
grandsons and a full teaching, traveling and writing schedule, so she says she doesn't blog
as often as she'd like, but you should definitely keep up with Pat!

She was gracious enough to sign 5 copies of her Xmas book to leave with us, so if you
could'nt make the event, you can still snag an autographed copy!

Embroidery is a wonderful project for traveling or doing as you watchTV.


Saturday, June 13, 2015


After a busy Saturday in the shop, It's finallly quiet.  I'm taking this afternoon to play around
with un-traditional caesar's crown blocks.  

I've been cutting for the last 15 minutes, or should I say hacking around the templates.
We burn through a lot of blades.  We don''t really notice them dulling down.

Epiphany!!  Why don't I put in a fresh blade?  JOY !!!_ CARTWHEELS!!!_ECSTACY!!!

Go forth an do something wonderful for yourself......don't let dullness sneak up on you!
Put in a wonderfully sharp new blade and esperience the wonderment for yourself.